Jonida Mersinllari - candidate for new Board member - Albanian chapter

In preparation for the upcoming elections for a new WBAA Board member - Albanian chapter in June 2021, we asked our candidate Jonida Mersinllari some questions regarding her application for this position. Check out her answers below:
What is your motivation to apply for becoming Board member for the Albanian chapter?
It is a great privilege for me to apply to become part of the leading Board of WBAA as a representative of Albania.
In the years of WBAA existence, I feel I have been growing together with it, from a student who just graduated participating in the first meeting where the idea of WBAA started, to this day as an experienced professional seeking to be part of the WBAA board.
Following the journey of WBAA has always motivated me to improve and try to give back from my education and experiences. It is due to the opportunity I had to study abroad, that my life path changed, that I grew in my academic and professional life. Therefore, I feel obliged to give back from my experience, and volunteering through WBAA makes my contribution tangible.
My journey with WBAA has been long, starting with the first conference in late 2016 in which the initial idea and values of WBAA were discussed. It developed further at the first GA in Tirana (2019), where I was elected as the Deputy Head of the WBAA Communication and IT Team. It was forwarded on the election as Head of the WBAA Com &IT Team in July 2020. The contribution to the Com & IT Team gave me the chance to see close to the development and be part of its successes but also identify many issues closely.
Having the opportunity to become part of the WBAA board would give me the chance to directly contribute and put in use all the experiences I have gained as being part of WBAA alongside my professional and academic experience.
What are your plans as a WBAA Board member? (What is your plan of action for the period during which you will be acting?)
My proposed plan for my contribution to WBAA as a Board member of the Albanian chapter will consist of the following points.
1- Reviving the post-pandemic WBAA
Last year was difficult for all of us, the pandemic situation impacted WBAA as well. Due to it, the second GA was canceled, and many WBAA plans were postponed. However, now that the pandemic is coming to an end, it is time to focus on reviving WBAA, engaging more members, organization of events, and support new project ideas.
2-Focus on activating WBAA Albania members
One of the most important issues in the organization is the activation of members. Using techniques such as reward-based triggers, events organization, and marketing, I would like to be able to activate more WBAA Albania members.
3-Supporting WBAA 2.0
Having been part of one of the most active former WBAA teams, I believe I can use my experience in supporting the WBAA 2.0. My main focus would be to advise the WBAA 2.0 Communication Community.
4-Supporting WBAA projects
I would like to put in use my experience with WBAA projects, in the promotion and support of new projects.
Promoting WBAA projects for the Albania chapter would be a priority since it will contribute to the activation of WBAA Albania.
5-Boost WBAA regional collaborations
There are many grounds that need to be explored in the WBAA regional collaboration. I would advocate having more WBAA regional projects and events which create tangible regional results.
What skills and qualities do you bring in for this position?
I believe that being a member of the WBAA Board requires good communication skills, leadership values as well as team spirit contribution.
Following my previous experience not only as part of the WBAA team but also as a Tech Lead in the IT section, I believe I possess all the necessary qualities to successfully contribute to the WBAA Board.
What I appreciate most about myself is the fact that I seek change and am enthusiastic about innovation. That is why I believe that being part of the WBAA Board will give me the trigger to contribute and get back from it. I would take responsibility for making sure the WBAA operations and goals are met. In addition, having experience with leading teams, I would like to use it in building an active WBAA Albania core team. Furthermore, my technical background can be useful in contributing to the online presence of WBAA.
Describe yourself in 3 words!
Strong-willed; Team player; Leader