These are the candidates for the leadership positions in the new WBAA teams

Within the next week we would like to introduce you to the candidates who have applied for the leadership positions of the new WBAA teams.
From 17-20 December, elections will be held in the WBAA online community in 3 teams for a total of 5 positions. These are the candidates:
Quality mobility / student exchange within higher education
- Head of Team:
- Mariglend Pepmarku
- Iva Kljajević
Higher Education Reform & Equal access to higher education
- Head of Team:
- Anesa Colakovic
- Tihomir Latinovic
- Hatidza Jahic
- Head of Team:
- Renata Petrevska Nechkoska
- Sokol Zeneli
- Vice Head for Advocacy:
- Adelina Basholli
- Vice Head for Communication:
- Klejda Harasani
Please note that the voting will take place in the WBAA online community. If you have not yet done so, please register in the online community:
There is a group for each team that you should join if you want to become a member of the team and cast your vote in the election. Please go to the 'Group' section in the online community and make a join request for the respective group. You can take part in up to two WBAA teams.
For the following positions, the call for candidates will be extended until 4 January 2022 and the elections are expected to take place from 14-17 January 2022:
- Quality mobility / student exchange within higher education: Vice Head for Advocacy and Vice Head for Communication
- Higher Education Reform & Equal access to higher education: Vice Head for Advocacy and Vice Head for Communication
- Transition from higher education to labour market and professional life: Head of Team, Vice Head for Advocacy and Vice Head for Communication
Get actively involved in shaping the new WBAA teams and submit your application for one of the positions. The link to the application form can be found in the online community and in the newsletter that was sent out on 8 December. Please apply by 4 January, 12pm CET via that form.
A leadership position with the WBAA teams not only allows you to develop important leadership skills, but also to work with a motivated team of volunteers from across the region, expand your contacts and advocate for topics that are important to you.
Further information on the organisational structure and the portfolio of the teams can be found here and here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Your WBAA team
Laura Jarmatz on behalf of the Service Provider
Germany, Cologne,
8 December 2021