07/12/2023 | News

UKLO professors and WBAA members co-author the first WBAA book that outlines a novel methodology for regional cooperation, inspired by a WBAA project

Poster wbaa bridge book promotion

On the 12th of December, 2023, promotion of the book: "Addressing Trans-Regional Challenges in Intelligent Transport Systems from a Managerial and Technical Perspective" by the authors, professors from the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” - UKLO: Daniela Koltovska Nechoska, Renata Petrevska Nechkoska, and Mimoza Bogdanoska Jovanovska, will be held in the Student Information Center (SIC), UKLO - Bitola, starting at 2 p.m.

The book presents a novel methodology for regional cooperation towards common transversal real issues, real challenges, and possible solutions; at the same time includes numerous collaborators, states, disciplines, institutions, and universities.

The following reasons explain why the promotion is organized in the framework of honoring the UKLO’s Patron:

  • The book is multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary grounded on a unity of intellectual frameworks beyond the disciplinary perspective;
  • The book’s authors are professors from three faculties: Faculty of Technical Sciences (TFB), Bitola & Faculty of Economics (EFP), Prilep & Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies (FIKT), Bitola;
  • The reviewers and proofreaders come from UKLO professors and one of the most important facts is the UKLO's role as publisher.

The author's work originated from the project of the Western Balkans Alumni Association - WBAA, and it is the first book that came out from a Research Team of the Association and is open access to the global community. Therefore, the guest-promoter of the book, will be WBAA regional board member Milan Stojanovic, PhD, who will introduce the book and the discussion to the audience, after a welcoming note of the Rector of the University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, North Macedonia, prof. Dr. Igor Nedelkovski.

Otherwise, the academic reading is included as a basic literature for 3 ECTS at the Faculty of Economics - Prilep within the course: Managerial and Technical Perspective of Trans-Regional Challenges as Professional Development (micro-credentials).

The book was previously promoted at the General Assembly of the Western Balkans Alumni Association in Belgrade, in front of representatives from the Western Balkans (WB) and European Union (EU).

For more information about the upcoming event, please refer to the details that can be found on the following links:


Академски кадри од УКЛО автори на книга со нова методологија за регионална соработка – Универзитет Св. „Климент Охридски“ Битола (uklo.edu.mk)

Renata Petrevska Nechkoska

Belgrade, Serbia 1st of December 2023