Vjoela Allkanjari - candidate for new Board member - Albanian chapter
In preparation for the upcoming elections for a new WBAA Board member – Albanian chapter in June 2021, we asked our candidate Vjoela Allkanjari some questions regarding her application for this position. Check out her answers below:
What is your motivation to apply for becoming Board member for the Albanian chapter?
I decided two years ago to come back to Albania and work as a professional in my country of origin. Since I am a Diaspora member and lived more than 20 years abroad in Italy and Germany (where I studied law), I think I can give a relevant contribution to my country in the implementation of the reform of justice. I am also a gender consultant and in this sector there is a lot to do in Albania. Thanks to my experience in Germany I would like to help women and young people making them clear that there is a lot of potential in Albania and they don't need to flee in the western countries where life is more expensive and difficult.
What are your plans as a WBAA Board member? (What is your plan of action for the period during which you will be acting?)
My plan is to cooperate with relevant players in different sectors above all the ministries and the civil society. It is important to help in the origin the people and have a role as mediator for many problems. I would also like to apply for gender equality projects and try to improve the financial situation of women and young people in the rural areas.
What skills and qualities do you bring in for this position?
My communication and acquisition skills are very good, since my intention is to act and work internationally such that the importance of the languages which I speak, which helps me to be active in different countries.
Describe yourself in 3 words!
Social, ambitious and problem solving-oriented!