WBAA General Assembly – online event 2021 – final report
General Assembly - online event - on March, 20th 2021 - report
General Assembly 2021 | The Western Balkans Alumni Association (WBAA)
The Western Balkans Alumni Association (WBAA) virtually organised the General Assembly bringing great results for the WBAA Statute and Internal Regulations! The Assembly took place on March 20th, 2021. Around seventy-five (75) WBAA members (Board, Team and regular members) as well as Representatives from the European Commission participated in the event, to share ideas and news about the Association. Future plans and conclusions were presented by the European Commission at the beginning of the event. Furthermore, opportunities for students offered by different Exchange Programmes and successfully implemented WBAA Projects were presented to further encourage members to apply for the upcoming project round.
Moreover, the General Assembly was a great moment to officially welcome the new Board Members . A Organising the General Assembly was essential considering the long period of uncertainty caused by the pandemic and the cancelation of the last scheduled assembly which was supposed to take place in March 2020 in Prishtina, Kosovo*. Teams from six Western Balkan countries gathered to bring new ideas and amend the old regulations to help the Association continue its operation successfully by accomplishing its mission. The Internal Affairs Team presented the new proposal for the WBAA Statute on the one hand, and the new formation of Teams, the so-called WBAA 2.0, which came as a result of numerous meetings of WBAA Regional Board Members, Team heads and vice heads, on the other hand. The whole mission of the new changes was encouraged by the idea of increasing the engagement, enthusiasm and cooperation among members, as well as the sustainable collaboration with Higher Education Institutions, the Business Sector, and Non-Governmental Organisations. The proposed changes to the WBAA Statute, Internal Rules, and Regulations were fully supported by the members. At the closing of the event, Board and Team Members used the opportunity to share the successful work done during the past year. Positive examples shared during the event brought into display the huge potential of the WBAA network and its impact on the Western Balkans.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Lum Dalipi and Jonida Mersinllari, Western Balkan, May,5th 2021