Bridging the gap between academia and industry through industrial boards and updated curricula

This project proposal aims to help targeted stakeholders to bridge the gap that exist between academia and industry. The motivating idea is to gathered representatives from the Ministry of Education, Higher Educational Institutions and representatives of private companies and organizations, so that they all together can discuss and come up with concrete steps on how to collaborate in order to help each other. Hence, throughout this project proposal, all stakeholders will benefit. Universities will have updated curricula based on the feedback from the industry and in this way will have students more prepared for the job market at an early stage. The private companies and organizations, on the other hand, will be able to recruit junior workforce that is prepared for the job market. This present a successful scenario that would further strengthen the higher education quality.

See how it went.

Project manager: Adelina Basholli

Time period: 2019

Project Manager : Adelina Basholli