Innovative Startups – Brain gain, not brain drain

The main goal of the project is to transfer basic knowledge and skills to members of WBAA and other alumni in the field of entrepreneurship. The project proposal was created after analysing needs of the WBAA members who, after returning from studies abroad, are motivated to learn how to start their business. They would like to have the opportunity to apply innovative ideas, new perspectives and knowledge acquired in the EU. Most of them are creative, proactive and educated young people. However, they often have a problem finding a suitable job in their own countries. This is one of the reasons why the high percentage of young and educated people decide to leave the region (Brain Drain). The project aims to provide alumni with the necessary information and good practice in starting their own business. In this way the project would contribute to the development of their country and the Western Balkans region at all (Brain Gain).The planned project activities will, in addition to preparatory organizational activities, include: organisation of two day entrepreneurship workshops for WBAA members and potential WBAA members from Novi Sad, as well as the creation of partnerships of alumni (networking). Participants will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and to develop and strengthen future cooperation in the field of business start-ups. Media promotion of project activities and project’s results would be disseminated through social networks and on relevant web portals. The direct target group of the project are members of WBAA from Novi Sad and other alumni who consider starting up their own business and those who would like to gain knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship.

Training material and tutorial will be in English language and uploaded to the WBAA website, sin that way available to all members of WBAA. Indirectly, the training will be beneficial to the general public in this region. The timeline for the implementation of the project proposal is September – October 2019.

Project manager: Vesna Travica

Time period: 2019

Project Manager : Vesna Travica